We are working on personal hygiene items now. No licking, let me see your teeth, open your mouth, and a personal favorite; hold still while I wipe your crazy large testicles where poop had smeared them/it. Someone posted this pig photo and asked if maybe I got the species wrong.... there is an uncanny resemblance. (for those who don't know, Toad experienced a trauma and cannot be operated on, you can read more here; Momma Help )
I read a week ago that bull terriers are not dogs at all (not news to anyone who has ever lived with one) but their explanation seems legit. The author went on to explain how they are actually aliens who tried to assimilate with humans in the form of a dog, and missed the mark. It would explain the triangle eyes, the egg/cement block head, and the antics!
We needed a break from formal training and I recently signed up for a trick training group. It was just what I needed. And as it turns out Toad's going to be a lot of fun not to mention a willing participant.
Until today I'd just been reading other's posts. Refreshing my memory on training methods and thinking about what I'd like to train. What I think he'd naturally do.
Today I picked up the clicker, a tool he's so familiar with he almost starts drooling in anticipation of treats, just say the word Mom and it's a done deal!
Today I just wanted to free shape, no pressure, no expectations. Basically what that means is I wait until he does something I like and I click/treat in the hopes of getting it repeated. You can lure a dog into a position, you can shape them or free shape them. I never would have guessed what he offered, I was thinking we'd be doing more of a basketball backboard (with me being the backboard) type *trick*
Now I need to confess that I am a hopeless person when it comes to telling my left from my right. I've begged my nephew to reprogram my GPS to say "my way and your way" instead of left and right (and putting an end to her judgmental and angry voice telling me to make a legal U-turn when I get it wrong). So when Toad offered to look a particular way, I clicked/treated.
God love him...even with his bumbling Momma he now has mastered in a mere 3 short session looking to the right when I ask him "where are the jokers" Brilliant!
I've always said the first step in training is to be smarter then the dog... not sure I accomplished that today, but he pulled me through.
Should be a cute trick once complete!!!!
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